Thursday, September 2, 2010

Being true to me

Its been a long time since I have written anything. I have been busy and exhausted! However, I have been dilegent in my determination in being a healthier better me. That does not mean that I havent had any slips on occasion, but I didnt focus on those. I am happy to report that I lost an inch in my waist and 2 in my hips. I can pat myself on the back and smile. The battle still goes on.

Yesterday, I visited the doctor and got weighed and took some tests. I was not surprised when i found i had high blood pressure. This is from a combination of extreme weight gain and taking crap from people. I realize that my need to 'make everyone happy' is silently killing me. People will still continue with life long after I am gone, and what will I have to show for any of this.....unhappiness!

So, today and so on, I vow to be true to myself. I need to realize the things that make me happy and make choices based on mature decisions I should not care so much about whether I am upsetting anyone. I also need to dump a lot of the trash that I have allowed to accumalate in my life. It does not matter that people may not like me and it does not matter if someone is unhappy. What matters most is my family, my health, my happiness and my GOD. At the end of the day, I desire peace, love, happiness and self respect.

Above all, be true to yourself, and if you cannot put your heart in it, take yourself out of it.--Hardy D. Jackson

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