Sunday, August 15, 2010

Motivation leads to Success

"Success is a journey, not a destination." Ben Sweetland
The past two weeks have shown me one thing.... I can do it. I can get up and do some form of exercise at least 3x a week and stay motivated. I can have great days and I can have bad days. But, I'm still here and still getting it. I even attempted a very light jog. Don't get too excited because my jog is other people fast walk. But, I attempted it and guess what... I was able to do it. I didn't die and nothing fell out. And I am so happy that a friend pushed me to do what I was terrified of doing. Plus I sweat more doing that light jog for two minutes than my walking for 2 laps. So, this blog is really just an out loud pep talk to myself. I am telling me to keep at it, journal my food and stay motivated. Remember, success does not come over night. Its a long, hard journey filled with sweat, tears and heartache. Eventually I am going to climb this mountain and come down singing and dancing...

N**** fakin' only gonna inspire (Motivation)
All yo hatin' in fuel to my fire (It's motivation)
N***** plottin' on the crown ??? (It's motivation)
Hey but I ain't slowin' down and I ain't stoppin' (Motivation)
Now n**** don't stop my show (Motivation)
You ain't know I don't stop, I go (It's motivation)
Sucka n***** can't make me suffer
Just make me stronger and make me tougher (It's motivation)

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