Sunday, August 1, 2010

Inspirational Vitamin

Today I had an interesting call from my cousin. Our conversation began as it usually does. We discuss an issue or solution to a problem, our kids or just light stuff in general. But, HE had his hand all in this one today. Our conversation soon drifted towards my struggle with weight loss and this 'defeated' attitude about how i "use"  to be and what I " use" to do. Finally she spoke. She told me to "stop focusing so much about what I use to do and  do it!" The best thing about starting over is starting over. The slate is wiped clean and you can start over as many times as you want to! Do what works for you and your body and not what works for other people... Oh! and you don't look as bad as you think"

And she was so right. Right about not focusing so much on the past but rather focus on the future. Its hard to go forward and to not peek in the rear view mirror of life and wonder. But, as I friend always tells me... HE has brought you this far. HE is not through with you yet! With that being said, I want to thank my cousin for opening my eyes and giving me a new perspective on my views. Also, for reminding me that I'm not perfect and I need to remember that. When u finally kiss the past goodbye, stand back & watch the blessings fall from the sky! ( taken from The  Single Woman ) 

I press toward the mark for the prize of the high calling of God in Christ Jesus (Phil 3:14)' 

1 comment:

  1. Awww...the picture AND blog is cute! You're gonna be just fine. Just keep pushing forward and you'll get it! Wish we were in the same state (city) to do it together. Tamika R. White
