Sunday, July 11, 2010

Do Not Feed............

I realized that eating right and committing to at least 30 minutes of intense exercise is a struggle for me. My enthusiam and my intensity begins and then it deflates faster than a balloon its third day of helium. I do not get it. I have it in me. I mean this is a woman who managed to work three jobs ,"successfully" at one time. Yet, the thought of me exercising.... I cringe. 

Tomorrow, I decided to start it again. I figured life is like a 'double dutch game'. I have been standing by the sidelines waiting for the perfect time to jump in...... and I should have been in there. What am I waiting for? Proof? I see the proof everyday. I know that with the right balance of nutrition and exercise I can move faster across that parking lot, have a flatter stomach and get rid of this double chin! Yeah I said it... I have stolen someone's chin. And part of another's stomach! I can not possible preach to my son the importance of eating right if I'm stuffing my face.
Starting tomorrow... please don't feed me! Don't feed me the junk that you don't want and you think I should eat because I'm bigger! So no to the "cookie pushers"..the " calorie dealers" ! I'm going to keep doing this until I get this right. I need your support. Your encouragement. Your prayers and your feedback! 

Remember, my focus is NOT to be skinny. MY focus is to BE HEALTHY. To be released from bondage and live life to its fullest. I'm committed to being the best me . 2010 motto: FAITH, FAMILY, FITNESS, and FINANCES...

You are not the momentary whim of a careless creator experimenting in the laboratory of life... You were made with a purpose.... Og Madino

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