Sunday, July 11, 2010

The road ahead

Tomorrow, I have placed so much importance on tomorrow. Yet, tomorrow is going to be another day. Another empty canvas ready for me to create something beautiful. I do not want to place so much pressure on myself that the moment I slip, I feel discouraged and disappointment. I want to wake up fresh, new and filled with a wonderful spirit of  positive endurance. I want to be that little girl that rocked back in forth anticipating the ropes in the double dutch game. But this time.... this time I am going to jump in and JUMP!!! And I'm going to continue jumping until I get so good that I can allow someone else to jump in with me. 

So, tomorrow... I am going to focus on bringing some order to my life. HE and I had a little chat and we have come to an understanding. HE will keep up his end of the bargain and I will work hard to maintain my commitment to being the best me. Tonight I pray to awaken fresh and anew with an open, loving heart. To accept help, to be encouraged, productive and loving . Most importantly to glorify HIM in everything I do.... in his name... 


Cast thy burden upon the LORD, and he shall sustain thee: he shall never suffer the righteous to be moved. (Psalms 55:22 KJV)

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