Thursday, August 5, 2010

Another fear of mine........

I have many fears.... I have a fear of bugs, most animals, death..... shall I continue? Lol. Its really quite sad, however, Ive been trying to tackle them one by one. Some I have succeeded in and some i have failed. Well, lets just say they are still a work in progress! Eric tells me to ' be brave' so, i am trying to follow that advice! Yes, the advice of a 9 year old. sometimes so simple yet so wise.

My latest fear to tackle is running. Now, this is as silly as it sounds but i have this terrible fear of it. I can imagine myself gearing up for the road ahead. I can imagine my legs moving swiftly across the ground carrying my body farther and farther along the track. Then I open my eyes and reality just isn't the same. The breathing is all wrong and i grow tired quickly. I am defeated before I even start. I have killed the dream before I could put it into action. I am " all talk and that's it". Then I begin my walk. Walk. Walk. Walk. Envious of the people passing me with their long strides and their ease as they circle the track passing me not one, not two but three times. and i continue my walk. Then moments happen when my mind says,"GO", and my feet say "NO"... and i continue to walk. Silly , silly woman...

Today I am running... and if/when i get tired... i shall walk.. :)

Exercise alone provides psychological and physical benefits. However, if you also adopt a strategy that engages your mind while you exercise, you can get a whole host of psychological benefits fairly quickly.
James Rippe, M.D.

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