Wednesday, July 14, 2010

Talk to the hand

Yesterday, I worked  hard to stay on task with my eating and I did well. However, the "pusher" was trying hard to bring me down. She had the nerve... the audacity to have REESE PEANUT BUTTER CUP.... a brand new pack!!!! And they were sitting on her desk out in the open. She asked me continuously to partake in all that chocolate goodness and I continued to refuse. I am really trying to cut out all the bad snaking and she keeps bringing all the bad snacks! Why!!!!

I continue to tell her that I am really trying to improve my eating habits. Though she may be confused with all this "fineness" I still need to loose some pounds and eat better. How many times must you  say no before you get rude and say " talk to the hand"! My hand is saying "Hell naw!" I will not lie. I almost gave in. But just as I was about to partake in that sweet goodness..... I got a call! 

But the journey continues............

 The spirit, the will to win and the will to excel are the things that endure. These qualities are so much more important than the events that occur..........Vince Lombardi

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