Monday, July 5, 2010

So, im mad

Mention of Dianetics in Kevin Trudeau's book, ...Image via Wikipedia
I told a friend my fustrations with my lack of weight loss and my lack of will power when it came to eating food and exercising. My friend advised me to either buy bigger clothes or loose weight. Well to say that pissed me off would be an understatement. I am MAD AS HELL!!!! Ive been buying bigger clothes and ive exercised and ate right. But that usually last for a week. So, my mad mood turned into sadness and then turned into developing a plan. I cant go on like this. I need a breakthrough, breakdown, or breakout.

"And Jesus said unto them... "If ye have faith as a grain of mustard seed, ye shall say unto this mountain, Remove hence to younder place; and it shall remove; and nothing shall be impossible to you." - Romans 1:17
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  1. Maybe your friend was trying to spark something in you. Because he or she know you can do just need to right motivation.

  2. I dont know about that. When a person is already feeling a certain way about their weight it doesnt help for anyone to make it seem like its as simple as buying "bigger clothes"
