Wednesday, July 7, 2010

The importance of encouragement

I recently complained to a friend about the lack of will power i have when it comes to eating the right food. I also complained about my lackluster commitment to exercising regularly. Their suggestion...." buy bigger clothes or exercise!" That statement in itself made me mad as hell! It prompted me to write about it, to talk about it and then to do something about it. They suggested I ask for help or start a group so I would have the encouragement to stay motivated and on track. At first I did not like the idea at all. I often feel that this is a personal demon that I must deal with alone. But that's not working because I am not dealing with the issue at hand. People who have been there or are going through it are invaluable.Truth of the matter, we all need encouragement via a cheering squad to keep us motivated to stay on task.

So, my friend has to decided to join me and together we going to make some moves, loose some weight and live healthier. 

Therefore encourage one another and build each other up, just as in fact you are doing. 

Thessalonians 5:11

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