Sunday, September 18, 2011

The Journey Continues..........

Im back..... I took a long hiatus from blogging about my weight. I sort of "fell and broke the wagon"! But up again. And I pushed onward.. So let me catch you up on my progress. May 2011, I went to get a full check up because I told myself I needed to know if I had any major health risks besides the obvious. Guess what... I was over weight! How NOT shocked I was. To much sitting on the sofa and eating crap and not enough moving around!! smh.

By June 2011, I had had enough. The scale the previous month had made me determined and so did my friend Tanika!!! So, I began by slowly changing my eating and reduced my intake. When my son's football practice began, I started walking the track instead of running my mouth. Next... {exhaling slowly}, I dusted off my P90x dvd series and began......

Now, September 2011, over 20 pounds lighter and 2 dress sizes smaller I am smiling. Though the days are a continous battle, but the fact that I know I can do, is so worth the pain. So, from here on out, I will keep you posted on my progress. There is no big secret, I just ate different and exercised a lot more.....

 Size 12 here I come...........

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